Customer Reviews

Reviews 151 to 153 of 153
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I need to drill six 1" holes through 1/4" plate steel and this did the job perfectly. I took it kind of slow with plenty of oil and it held up well. Ready for more drilling if ever needed.
This tool was definitely the MVP for my recessed lighting install. About a week after I had brand new carpeting installed, I decided to do recessed lighting in my 70yr old PLASTER ceiling (this stuff is like drilling through cement compared to sheetrock). After looking at the overpriced low quality crap for cutting light holes they sell at big box stores, vs my original plan of using a sawzall and making a huge mess, I found this thing. I had to cut about 8 holes in plaster ceiling to mount 6" lighting cans. After the first hole I had this overwhelming sigh of relief and disbelief that there is no way it could be this EASY and CLEAN. Don't even waste money on the vacuum adapter, the bowl catches all the mess and you just dump it into a garbage can/bag. This thing cut 6" holes for recessed lighting cans through 3/4" of plaster in under 20 seconds per hole. It was amazing. Now I am glad I have the tool, I will probably put recessed lights in other rooms now without hesitation. Also includes a really nice blow molded carry case that holds everything. Just make sure you have a cordless drill with a 1/2" chuck, and one that has a selectable transmissions, and you want to run this at low speed (I used a 36V dewalt in first gear approx. 500rpm and it cut FAST, approx. 20sec/hole)
I needed to cut a hole in a stainless insert in my dashboard to add a new gauge. I heard all the horror stories about work hardening stainless if you don't do a good job cutting. I sharpened a small drill bit and made a pilot hole then used this holesaw to cut the stainless. I also used cutting oil as they recommend. It worked great, no problems whatsoever.
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